
How we stay young at heart

Simon James Horniblow

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When we started Campuslife, our average age in the office was 22.

We were all fresh out of uni, so it was easy to keep in touch with student trends in creating engaging content - after all, it was just creating more of the stuff we wanted to read and watch.

12 years on and the task becomes a lot harder.

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Every September, everyone in the office is a year older, but our audience is another new cohort of 18 year olds, all of whom are different from the previous year’s intake.

Staying on top of these trends is a challenge, but it’s one we love, as it gives us an opportunity to do more of what is really important to us as a company - work with and help students.

We offer numerous work experience and internship opportunities throughout the year at Campuslife, to the point where we always have a student in our office.

It’s an opportunity for us to really get inside the student mindset, understand what they want from their university experience, find out what they wish they knew and how they want that information presented to them.

Students always bring fantastic youthful energy and enthusiasm to what they’re doing. Yes, they want to impress, but more often than not, they’ll also see things in a completely new way, offering solutions to problems that have had us stumped for ages.

And we always ensure that they have an incredible experience with us.

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They’ve seen their video ideas come to life on shoot, written articles on Browzer that have gone out to thousands of students across the UK and worked on some of our high level strategy projects.

Our student interns make videos for Instagram, not cups of tea.

We work with students in universities all over the UK and we hear time and time again of their worries for graduating and finding work in a super competitive market place.

They know that just getting a degree isn’t enough any more, and finding work that will help them start to chip away at the Everest that is their student loan is a major worry for them.

Internships help us really keep in touch with students, but to be honest, it’s more than that.

It’s our small way of giving back, helping students get prepared for the world of work, whether that’s with us or with someone else.

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So if you’re in a position where you can give someone a real boost on their career ladder by offering work experience or an internship, do it. You may be surprised at what you might learn from them and how much younger you’ll feel in the process.

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